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Elena's Fitness Story

“Balancing my fitness alongside my two young children, full-time Doctoral program, and a busy research job is no easy task! I needed results, and I needed them fast! Having Cassie Warbeck as my trainer resulted in an incredible boost in my fitness and energy levels in such a short time. Cassie constantly presents new challenges and innovative ways to help me get stronger and fitter. For example, in addition to weight training and HIIT (high-intensity interval training) sessions, Cassie and I have been training Muay Thai kickboxing; a sport that I have fallen in love with and has empowered me like nothing else. As a result, I have lost all my "baby weight", and increased my strength and stamina beyond what I thought was ever possible. I am in the best shape of my life, and my energy levels just keep increasing! Thank you, Cassie!”

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